
Native Plants

Updated 2021-05-07

Reference: NYC-Native Plants, a Google Docs Spreadsheet of the New York Flora Atlas list of plants native to New York City, as of 2021-03-18
Meta-Reference: An Annotated Bibliography of Identification and Natural History of New York Native Plants. Compiled by Steve Young, New York Natural Heritage Program. Last Updated: October 2020


Native Plant Profiles

My Native Plant Garden

Other Gardens

NYC Wildflower Week
Other Native Plant Topics

New York City and Region

An Ecological Manual of New York City Plants in Natural Areas, Margaret B. Gargiullo, Ph.D
Greenbelt Native Plant Center, Natural Resources Group, NYC Department of Parks and Recreation
NYC Wildflower Week
New York Metropolitan Flora Project (NYMF), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Stuyvesant Cove Park
Torrey Botanical Society
The Union Square Park NYC-Native Plant Garden

Cary Institute for Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, NY
Westchester Community College Native Plant Center

New Jersey
Native Plant Society of New Jersey

Connecticut Botanical Society

New York State and Region

Adirondack Botanical Society
New York Flora Association (NYFA): Blog * Web Site * Plant Atlas
New York Mycological Society
New York Natural Heritage Program (NYNHP): Plant Guides * Community Guides
Natural Heritage Program (NY DEC)

New Jersey Natural Heritage ProgramPlants of New Jersey, Flora of New Jersey Project
Eastern Native Tree Society

New England

Asters and Goldenrods of New England, online identification guide
Go Botany, online identification guide from NEWFS
New England Wildflower Society
Rhode Island Wild Plant Society


Maryland Native Plant Society
Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping in Maryland, USFWS BayScapes Conservation Landscaping Program

Northern Virginia Ecology, Island Creek Elementary School, Fairfax County Public Schools
Digital Atlas of the Virginia Flora
Virginia Native Plant Society

North America

Bryophyte Flora of North America
Flora of North America
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Native Plant Network
Natural Heritage Network
North American Native Plant Society (NANPS)
North American Orchid Conservation Center
Plant Conservation Alliance, U.S. National Parks Service

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