Maybe I am more like Demeter, weeping for the hold darkness has over others, while reaching and hoping for a time when we can bring everyone back into the light.
- Standing Still 2021: Demeter Waiting

I write again for the solstice. The sun "stands still", as do I.
I continue to grieve for the many lost to darkness, their own and others'. Though amplified over the past several years, it's not new in my lifetime. From civil rights in the 60s to trans rights in the 20s, resistance and liberation are always met with hatred and violence.

Out of that grief, I am resolute.
I resist.
I will not quench joy.
I will not subdue celebration.
I will not hide our light from darkness.

Related Content
All my past Winter Solstice posts:- 2021: Standing Still 2021: Demeter Waiting
- 2018: Standing Still in 2018
- 2016: Standing Still 2016
- 2015: Standing Still
- 2014: The Sun stands still
- 2010: From Dark to Dark: Eclipse-Solstice Astro Combo
- 2009: Standing Still, Looking Ahead
- 2008: Stand Still / Dona Nobis Pacem
- 2007: Solstice (the sun stands still)
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