This Hylaeus modestus, Modest Masked Bee, 1/4" long, was visiting the blooms of Viburnum dentatum, Arrowwood, in my garden just two weeks ago. I've documented scores of insect pollinators in my gardens over the years, including bees, wasps, butterflies, moths, flies, and beetles.

Here's the information from the Evite page, with a couple of extra links thrown in:
NYC Wildflower Week: Pollinator Week in Flatbush, BrooklynA view of my urban backyard native plant garden, as it looked in 2011, six years in.
Date & Time: Saturday, June 21 from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm (rain date Sunday, June 22)
Location: Stratford Road at Matthews Court in Flatbush, Brooklyn
Event Description:
- Chris Kreussling, aka Flatbush Gardener
- and a NYC bee naturalist
- Since 2005, Chris has transformed a dusty, weedy backyard into a garden oasis. His gardens now incorporate over 80 species of native trees, shrubs, ferns, grasses and wildflowers. He's documented the process on his gardening blog, Flatbush Gardener. In honor of National Pollinator Week, Chris will give us a behind-the-scenes tour!
- Our bee expert will help us identify some of the gardens' winged visitors, and review tips for creating an insect-friendly sustainable garden in urban settings.

The same view as above, when we bought the house, in May 2005

Related Content
On the blog
My Photography on Flickr
- Native Plants
- Hymenoptera, Bees (11 species so far in my gardens)
- Hymenoptera, Wasps (13 species so far in my gardens)
- Diptera, Flies, including some remarkable bee and wasp mimics
- Lepidoptera: Butterflies, Moths, and Skippers
- Coleoptera, Beetles
NYC Wildflower WeekPollinator Week