Last Wednesday, the furry buds of Amelanchier x grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance' were extending.

Yesterday, four days later, the shoots have turned upright, and individual flower buds are visible. Bloom is imminent.

Helenium autumnale, Sneezeweed, NYC-local Ecotype. This plant already needs dividing, something I wasn't expecting to do for another month.

Podophyllum peltatum, Mayapple

Trillium (cuneatum?)

Mertensia virginica, Virgina Bluebells, is already tall and full of sky-blue flower buds.

Flower Buds, Vaccinium corymbosum, Highbush Blueberry, NYC-local ecotype. This also seems extremely early. Maybe I'll get blueberries in May this year.

Allium tricoccum, Ramps

I hope you get some fantastic shots and get to meet new native pollinators this year in what looks like a wonderful garden from your photos. Do I recognize the trillium from that awesome ephemerals class at BBG last year?
Yes, the Trillium came from Uli's class! The Claytonia is also up. No sign of the Sanguinaria, which should be up by now.
Ramps are so delicious. I remember being so surprised about how garlicky they were the 1st time I had them.
I just wanted to reach out and share with you this Urban Agriculture in DC Infographic
that I thought you might dig.
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