The plants in bloom include natives, heirlooms, passalongs from past plant swaps, and weeds. Not everything in bloom is visible in the photo. Some are too small to stand out at this scale. Others are just off-frame to the right.
- Achillea millefolium, Common Yarrow, cerise/pink-red, passalong
- Campanula trachelium 'Bernice', double-flowering Bellflower, purple, purchased
- Commelina communis, Asiatic Dayflower, blue, weed
- Dianthus (I think), pink, passalong
- Echinacea purpurea, Purple Coneflower, purple-pink, native
- Hemerocallis fulva, Daylily, orange, came with the house
- Hemerocallis fulva, double-flowering Daylily, orange, heirloom
- Hemerocallis 'Pardon Me', red, purchased
- Oxalis stricta, Upright Wood-Sorrel, yellow, native/weed
- Rudbeckia fulgida, Black-eyed Susan, yellow, native
- Alcea rosea, Common Hollyhock, seed strain that came with the house
- Digitalis purpurea, Foxglove, seed strain that came with the house
- Penstemon digitalis, Tall White Beard-tongue, native
- Thalictrum pubescens, Tall Meadow-Rue, native
- Trifolium repens, White Clover
Two years ago, Hurricane Irene hit. The mature London Plane Tree in front of our next-door neighbor-to-the-south came down. This changed our shady front yard to one of full sun, and opened up new opportunities for plant choices.

It also allowed me to advance my long-term plan of planting all of the front yard, and eliminating the last vestiges of "lawn" from our property. So this Spring, I planted out the first section, along the driveway. I'll make my way across the lawn year-by-year. In a few years, the entire front yard will be planted out.
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Great Flatbush Plant Swap 2013Hurricane Irene (Flickr photo set)
A fine selection of blooms. I envy your self-sown hollyhocks, I can't grow them because of rust. Also, it's great that they don't revert to purple, which a lot of them do.
What a beautiful garden! A benefit of the scary storm and tree downing. I was never able to do anything like that when we lived in NYC.
That is actually the first London plane I've seen toppled in a storm. There were very few that came down last year during Hurricane Sandy and I'm wondering if you know the details on why this specimen gave out. Was there a rot issue or were it's roots cut to make space for sidewalks and structure compromised in that way?
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