Updated throughout the day Monday, December 3, to add links to other blogs with photos of the first snow.
Slate-Colored Junco, Junco hyemalis hyemalis, in my Flatbush backyard
We had our first snow of the season overnight. It was in the 20s all day, gradually warming, and it will be in the 30s tomorrow, so it will all be gone soon. I didn't get any pictures of it myself, but others did:
A Brooklyn Life
Bay Ridge Rover
Brian of Brooklyn
Ditmas Park Blog
Gowanus Lounge
Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn
Pardon Me For Asking
Self-Absorbed Boomer
Sustainable Flatbush
I didn't get out of the house today. Too busy cleaning, getting ready for guests tomorrow evening. But I was keeping an eye on the bird feeders yesterday and today. The winter migrants are firmly established now: Juncoes, Chickadees, and a little crested one whose name escapes me at the moment. I was looking for nuthatches, my favorites, but I didn't see any this weekend.
American Goldfinch, Cardulis tristis, in winter plumage. I think this is a female. Thanks to Flickr pals megankhines and PhotoJeff for the id!
Really nice junco photo! They haven't gotten to northern Missouri yet, but they will in the next few weeks.
Thanks, Larry! They just got here this past week, that I noticed. They'll stay here all winter.
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