
Ithaca, NY, May 22, 2006: Invasive Plants Threaten Six Mile Creek Banks

An article from The Ithaca Journal on an event which highlighted the threat invasive plant species pose to a local natural site.

The Ithaca Journal - www.theithacajournal.com - Ithaca, NY:
While there are some native plant species that can become invasive, most invasives hail from elsewhere, according to Bernd Blossey, an associate professor in Cornell's Department of Natural Resources.

Blossey said he considers an “invasive” plant species any that can eventually overtake the native ones, becoming the dominant species in an area. In other words, not all non-native plant species are considered invasive, unless they start overtaking the ecosystem.

He also said the best way to protect against invasive plants is to detect them early to prevent them from spreading.

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