This has been a spectacular year for fall foliage. We had ample, sometimes record, rainfall over the summer. We didn't get a long drought at the end of the summer which often ruins the fall colors. And temperatures finally got cool at night, while warm during the day. We just had our first hard freeze this week.
Barbara Corcoran, avert your eyes. The rest of us can enjoy this gift. We're just past peak this weekend, but there's still plenty of great color. So get out and walk around.
Fothergilla, Vinca minor, and Maple leaves, 329 Westminster Road, Beverley Square West
Japanese Maple, 1505 Albemarle Road, Prospect Park South
Field 11, Parade Grounds, Caton Avenue
Abandoned, East 16th Street
315 East 18th Street, Beverly Square East
346 East 18th Street, Beverly Square East
196 Marlborough Road, Prospect Park South
Beverly Road, Beverley Square West
Japanese Maple in front yard, 260 Westminster Road, Beverley Square West
I've been walking past, beneath, this every morning on my way to the Beverly Road subway station. Nothing like starting your commute in awe.
1422 Beverly Road, Beverley Square West
Hello Xris,
You have captured colors of fall in a great way. I missed it - when I wanted to walk around and take pictures in the neighbourhood, all leaves were already gone.
There is one thing I am curious - I guess there many readers of this blog - why they do not comment? Feel little strange among these posts without comments.
Did you write somewhere that it is forbidden to comment and I haven't red it yet?
ewa: Thanks!
I would like more comments. I don't comment much on my own blog. I think that discourages others from leaving comments.
You have some beautiful fall pictures here. It was strange that in my little town the trees were quite lovely but in the surrounding county the leaves hardly had any color at all. We had a major drought here this summer.
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